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Don't let the pain of your past, haunt your future path...

Emotion release of blocks!

So many of us have hidden behind the mask of our past; we lived it, breathe it, we believe we had ownership over it, and that it fuels who we are. 

We couldn't be further from the truth. Holding onto the past because you feel that it's "defined you" in some ways is; destructive for your future self, moving backwards nor forwards, and can do more damage than good. Not only will it rule YOU, your future self will be lost in transition.

I once believed that all my past troubles made me who I am today, but the reality was, those small pieces in my timeline throughout my life were a mere spec compared to what I truly was able to become, feel, and be.

They say you must learn from your past!

But how do we do this? I mean we do one thing, we are sorry for it, but then for some unknown reason we do it again! In our minds, we think to ourselves; "darn, I didn't learn a thing! What now?"

The sad reality is that most of us never actually release the things that we hold onto, which actually harm us. We think "it's over, I'm over it!", but this couldn't be farther from the truth. When something is over, it isn't truly over until one day in the future, the emotions of that instance comes back to the surface from a trigger that happened today. 

That trigger is the key to releasing your past block. Now we can also help to release these past blocks without having a trigger, but that will mean you must look very deep within, accept what's bothering you, and fully move on. Very few people are able to manage this on their own without external help. Asking a friend to help find those triggers can do the trick also.

How do we release what we hold onto?

1) Recognize it:
The key is to recognize what's inside that you keep holding onto, but also realize that it's doing more harm than good. This is the hardest part to do since; we have to be willing to break down the barriers we've installed on our own as a protection method to keep us from feeling those emotions again.

2) Let the emotions go:
When we have an "event", or "past situation" which we aren't proud of, we hold onto it as though it should help remind us of who we are. But the reality is; we shouldn't hold onto that negative emotional thought, it's actually the key to your mental destruction, since it's a reminder of who you don't wish to be.

3) Don't be the fool:
Fool others all you want, but the harsh reality is that you're only fooling yourself out of happiness. So many of us try to hide the truth from others, and quite successfully I might add. We've become so accustomed to the veil we portray, that we forget to listen to our soul's requests to "be yourself."

4) Admit it to someone:
Notice I didn't say "share with someone", in order for you to truly admit this has been hurting your spiritual progress, you have to admit it to yourself, and also to someone you trust and admire. The admitting is like telling your soul; "got it, done with it, thanks for coming out, here's my new self!" It's a form of selfless confession that will finally bring everything out into the open.

5) Don't hold nothing back:
Many people I help on a regular basis try to release their blocks, but I can sense every time that they are holding something back... that "hold" is nothing short of defeat. When someone truly let's everything go, they let everything go and their emotions are off the charts, tears cannot be stopped, sobbing is intense, heavy breathing, anxiety, dizziness, all of it comes to the surface. Only then do you truly know if you've release it for good.

6) Find the rest of it:
More times than not, we tend to release big chunks or regressed emotions, but not all of them. If you're finally letting go, and in the process of releasing, why not just release it all for once!!! Bring it all out, don't hold back since you've already come this far, what's another few steps???

7) You finally did it:
Congrats!!! If you've finally released the emotional turmoil and baggage that's been holding back your higher learning, I salute you for your efforts! Now, don't stop there, try to help others you know to do the same. Don't force them to speak about it, but I'm sure you know at least one person who's come to you for guidance in their life. Time to teach what you've learned.

Emotional Release, Things to Expect:

I've written another article last year on what to expect from your emotional release. I figure it's probably just easier to send you to the next stage...


Peace and love;
Martin R. Lemieux

FB Profile:
Spiritual Warrior's Page:

Burning off Energy Transferred from Others

Preventing a psychic attack
Not all of us are aware of this, but the people we meet actually give and take energy from us. In rare occasions, some of the more negative people in the world do a little more than just give and take, they actually put their will onto you without knowing it.

Below is a step by step process on how to burn that negative energy from your body/soul and to re-energize yourself in the process.

By: Martin R. Lemieux & Bubba Joe

How can you tell someone has done this?

  • Memory loss
  • Personality changes / behavior changes
  • Nausea
  • Vomitting
  • Dizzyness
  • Headaches / Migraines
  • Cold feeling
  • Frequent nightmares
  • Feeling like someone is watching you
  • You have this eery feeling
  • Sudden illness which cannot be explained
  • Energy drain
  • Cannot focus
  • Cannot meditate or connect to thy self
  • Negative feelings towards others
  • Visions or Hallucinations
  • Fear all over
  • Anger all the time

Below is a STEP-BY-STEP process to use to rid yourself of this negative energy attached to you!

  1. First, see your self in a small forest, walking on a see a cave and approach.

  2. First pay attention to the cave entrance, what plants, types of rock, any crystals, etc.

  3. When walking the trail to cave, pay attention to any animals insects, birds that are around, pay attention to Flowers, etc.

  4. Once you know what the cave feels like and looks like then simply ask/state  I am entering mothers womb for rebirth and growth.

  5. Mean it..if those words don't work for you, say something that does but puts that intent out.

  6. Once you feel all is well, enter the cave.

  7. Again, pay attention to anything within the can expect nothing in cave and nothing will be there, or you can expect something to be there and it will. so ego expectation is an issue.

  8. Once you are in, decorate it, make it your home, and especially make it comfortable for guests.

  9. How the cave looks and feels will be different for each person.

  10. Once you have made the cave comfy, it is time to build the fire pit.

  11. Close, but not so close you cant get through, build a campfire at the entrance to cave.

  12. You can use wood, if so, be sure of spiritual meaning of wood, you can keep it neutral.

  13. You can add crystals as well into fire.

  14. Once the fire is burning, it will most likely have a rainbow flame affect.

  15. Then step into the fire, and let it literally burn you until you are a spark of awareness, no form of any sort. This flame CANNOT harm you, it can only burn off the negative energy from your soul. See amber like particles floating off your body until there is no more to burn.

  16. Be the flame.

  17. Once you have burned yourself down, you just simply rebuild a perfected self of light and love.

  18. This will on regular basis, take care of all the; malware, cookies and such in your energy field, and bring up your vibration.

  19. Do this for a week.

  20. Then, you can call out to the forest and ask for guide to approach.

~ END ~

This is a very easy daily to-do that works so well in keeping your energy focused and not allowing other people's energy to affect your being. When you find yourself "out of sorts", repeat these steps as needed.

Peace and love;
Martin R. Lemieux

FB Profile:
Spiritual Warrior's Page:


Love & Light;

Bubba Joe

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