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Emotional Release, Things to Expect:

We all are on a path, what that path is depends on you, you're release of the past, your emotional blocks. That past is the key to your future, a brighter future. We're all searching for the meaning of life; the truth of it all, is that what we all inspire to learn more, each life teaches us something closer to understanding. Some of us look for answers through; math equations, self help, fantasy, movies, music, videos, spirituality, art, reading, writing, or any other medium dear to us.

There are so many people out there that are quick to judge others, how they deal with people, what they do to people. But the reality is, the sooner you stop doing this destructive train of thought, the quicker you start dealing with your own mind, the daemons that prevent you from creating a better life, better relationships, and healthier vibrations.

Our path is set out for us, being true to that path depends on when you're spiritually ready for the emotional release that keeps you from seeing that path. Each block that you keep, prevents you from finding your own truth.

You might not see it now; you might even be searching in the wrong places. This is a sign of an emotional block that keeps you from seeing it.

Finding Your Emotional Blocks:

This is probably one of the hardest things you will ever have to do in your life. Finding your emotional blocks means you will have to look deep within your soul and confront the things you avoid the most. In fact, most of you probably know exactly what they are.

Yes, I am asking you to confront your deepest;

- Fears
- Anxieties
- Jealousy's
- Hatred (towards others and yourself)
- Insecurities
- Lack of faith
- Trust issues
- Nightmares
- Relationships
- Anger

Conscious Emotional Blocks:

What we think of consciously is easier to measure and to correct. Feelings you have on a regular basis that don't feel good, are tell signs of the blocks in your life. They are indicators that tell you what to look for. For example, if you always feel terrible around one or both of your parents, it's time to look at why you feel terrible around them. Take the first step to recognize what is blocking your relationship with them.

Write down every time you have a negative or bad emotion. Write down what brought on that emotion to better understand it.

Sub-Conscious Blocks:

Our deeper, sub-conscious mind is a lot harder to crack, but not impossible. All of our thoughts, emotions and experiences are stored in our sub-conscious mind. Things in your life that has happened to you, or is happening to you are all there, somewhere. Some life events, especially very negative life-changing moments are sometimes stored through pain, which the mind traps in a way that is harder to either; remember or to release later on.

These "traps" are the key to your emotional release. We find these traps through; meditation, dreaming, day-dreaming, digging deep into our past, and speaking to people who knew us throughout our life. Below are some other techniques which can help bring these deep rooted emotions to the surface.

Third Party Blocks:

Emotional trauma from people we know and love are the toughest to deal with. There's no easy way to put this, but people who harm you as a child or adult impose their will that can damage your psyche in ways not fathomable.

Emotional Blocks Carry These Types of Symptoms:

- Anger
- Anxiety Attacks
- Body Aches
- Confused all the time
- Denial, or disbelief
- Disconnected
- Fatigue
- Guilt
- Hard to Concentrate
- Hopeless
- Insomnia
- Irritability
- Mood swings
- Muscle Tension
- Nightmares
- Numb
- On Edge
- Sad
- Self-blame
- Shame
- Shock
- Withdrawal

How to Release These Emotional Blocks?

Each block you have in your life can be released the same way it came in. See we process emotions and store them. These stored memories can be accessed. It's just a matter of finding out what works best for you, everyone is different and releases these emotional blocks differently.

Here are some forms of release (no particular order):

- Laughter
- Talking to friends
- Speaking to family members (related to the pain)
- Seeing a certified counselor
- Finding online groups (FB or other)
- Writing your thoughts on paper or online (therapeutic release)
- Forgiveness (for yourself and others)
- Mind over matter (If you don't mind, it doesn't matter)
- See a spiritual healer (Open up your chakras)
- Reiki
- Yoga
- Running
- Music
- Singing
- Poetry
- Reading self help, inspirational
- Going out to play
- Spending time with family and friends
- Making better connections
- Letting go of people that hurt you
- Human connections
- Animals connections
- Nature (freedom)

All of the above methods are proven to help with your mood in many ways. Some people can release through one or two of the above helpers, others needs many combinations, or all at once. The key is there's no magic formula, but there is a proper path that's perfect for you.

When you find the right form of release that feels good and allows you to remember who you are, or what happened to you during your past, you have found the right stimuli needed to let go of those awful emotional blocks in your life.

I hope this helps you to find your way, to become the person you're destined to be. If you have any questions, please post comments below. I would be happy to answer them for you.


  1. I remember. I breath. I let go. I love. Thank you. Blessings

  2. Thanks <3 the block is going to eat at me until I learn to be in the driving seat , always too busy helping others who take advantage not understanding how their emotions affect mine and then there is the ones who know exactly what they do . Thanks Martin .X


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