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My soul, oh my soul:

Could it be, my soul feels good for once,
But how can that be, I build on trust.

My way is to reject and shield love,
just to make sure its true conviction.

What do I do when something from above,
tells me to trust, past reluctance.

My guides tell me my gut cannot be wrong,
be willing, sacrifice and to be strong.

Words aren't enough, touch becomes warm,
hugs are perfect, kisses are what i yearn.

I look in the mirror deep into my eyes,
I see truth, I see you, but how is it possible.

My eyes never lie, they are born to be wise,
Maybe this is a test, a feeling, an obstacle.

Or better yet, this is my path, i'm so blessed,
With you there at my side, this is our quest.

We will do great things together, love each other,
The world will see our message, no need to cover.

Be free I say, be ourselves and be judged,
Time for us to be true, and help each other needs.

Our past is our past, we should not hold a grudge,
The people that harm us, will one day concede.

I say this to you, for I know not of the future,
I say this to you, for our paths have crossed.

We need only each other, every moment we capture,
The die is cast, the line is set, nothing lost.

You're so beautiful inside, my souls attached,
Let the cord of love never die, never snap.

Be with me now, hold onto me tight,
Our future is strong and all so bright.

I love you, I said it, hope you hear my words,
Since this I give you to, with all my heart, all I can afford.


Martin R. Lemieux

My Spiritual Path - When It Started.

"Your spiritual path isn't just something you find, you started this path the moment you took your first breath. Ever since then, you've been getting closer and closer to remembering who you truly are!" — Martin R. Lemieux

"The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge. "  — Albert Einstein

Your Body Isn't Perfect - Neither is Mine, Judging Isn't the Answer!

 We as humans have a strong tendency to judge each other’s differences. There are all types of people in the world, but most important of all, we each carry the same stuff inside. If you're that perfect, cast out the 1st stone and see who judges you for once.

There's no such thing (as told in the media) as a perfect body, perfect looks, perfect mind, or perfect personality. When you think about the body, it contains; bacteria, toxins, acid in the stomach, and other nasty stuff. All of which are not considered "beautiful". As a person who's body has been against me since I was born, I truly understand what beauty really means.

Not matter your body type, looks, height, weight, colour, are all perfect inside. I know this because we all have the ability to love. Some love more than others, some less than you, but all with the capacity for compassion.

When you judge someone on their looks, you know what you're really saying? You haven't learned enough in life to realize you're the one that might have the problem, not the person you're judging.

“Perhaps, if you weren't so busy regarding my shortcomings, you'd find that I do possess redeeming qualities, discreet as they may be.  I notice when the sky is blue.  I smile down at children.  I laugh at any innocent attempt at humor.  I quietly carry the burdens of others as though they were my own.  And I say 'I'm sorry' when you don't.  I am not without fault, but I am not without goodness either.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich

Judging Someone Won't Make Things Better:

All too many people go around hating others for what they; wear, their appearance, the way they walk, talk, colour their hair, shoes they wear, piercings, and tattoos. Their indifference towards people is so shocking, it speaks truth about them. They too are on a constant mental mission, battling their own daemons from within.

If you find yourself constantly needing to make fun of others, I dare you to ask a stranger to tell you what they think of you. Careful now, you might not like what they say, don't get angry, this is just your own medicine coming back to bite you. I'm sure you don't have the courage to ask someone, because deep down you're afraid of what people might say, which makes it easier to belittle another soul as to have power over them and to ensure they don't judge you accordingly.

I don't get angry when people judge me, I feel sorry for them since I know in my heart, deep down they are insecure about themselves, which is why they deem it necessary to make fun of my life, who I am, but the truth is they didn't have the right in the first place. Knowing this allows me to smile and say to them; "I'm sorry you feel so badly towards yourself, I can help you with this if you let me."

"I would never disrespect any man, woman, chick or child out there. We're all the same. What goes around comes around, and karma kicks us all in the butt in the end of the day."- Angie Stone

Before You Say Anything, Be Mindful of Your Thoughts:

(Before you hate, delegate your actions!)

Bad habits can be broken, but it takes determination and the willingness to change. To be a good person takes more courage, than to be the opposite. Have the courage to stand up for people, especially those who are bullied and made fun of because of their appearance, you might just realize that from that one act of kindness, you may have made a best friend for life.

The moment you think of something to say to someone that might humiliate them, think about what you're about to say. Think to yourself, why am I doing this? Who is this benefiting? Will my actions help or hurt this person's life? Do I have a right to destroy this person's feelings? If you can honestly go through with it (hating them publicly) and make fun of that person after truthfully answering those questions, you should seek professional help, or spiritual help.

Our souls are beautiful, when you act against your loving nature, something happens inside. A chemical imbalance begins to form, you're being starts to hurt, and your mind goes to war, your heart screams for forgiveness. Denying your soul the right to be true as intended sends you down a path of hate, which in many cases can be very difficult to climb out of.

"I have to be careful because there is something destructive within me, I think, and I can have a tendency to just search for the kicks. I can't really get too close to someone who's too destructive, or too dark, because then I might go down the rabbit hole myself."- Alexander Skarsgard

Are Your Friends Influencing Your Decisions?

I understand that sometimes we do things because we see our friends do the same. Hanging out with; negative, judgmental, hateful, or outspoken people can influence your thoughts more than you know. Having these people as friends changes you; it controls your actions in ways that will harm others. Haters hate, compassionate people attract compassion, lovers attract loving people, etc.

If you know deep down you don't like who you've become, change the people that influence you. The mental battle within is only going to get worse, deep down, you know this to be true. Truth can set you free. Is dropping your friends easy to do? I'm not going to fluff it for you, no absolutely not, but I live by a saying that's helped me with this process:

"Either you change with me, or you lose me to change!"- Martin R. Lemieux

When you let good feelings and compassion back in, you'll notice the people you attract will be at the same vibration level and think as you do. You'll also notice; food tastes better, you will smile more, you're relationships will have deeper meaning and you will no longer have the need to make fun of others.

Forgive yourself for your actions, ask for forgiveness, move on, and be true as you were meant to be.


Martin R. Lemieux

My Dearest Friend, Pain;

You know me all too well,
been together through the toughest times.

You've shown up unexpectedly,
repeatedly, we're partners in crime. .

What should I do with your teachings?
What would I be without those mental beatings?

You've woke me up at night,
just out of malice, just to pick a fight.

I've yelled at you to go away,
but you've stayed at my side the whole time.

One thing I should say,
you've always been upfront, always trying.

There one minute, gone the next,
what am I to do, wait around thinking; "what's next?"

You're friends with so many people,
how did you become so popular?

You come up in conversations often,
we talk about you like you're a bloody blockbuster.

But I have to admit we've been through a lot,
what's your next move, what's the plot?

Can you not give me sign?
Give me a sense of things to come?

You're constantly reminding me,
of things left unsaid, left undone.

Is this what our relationship is to you?
A constant thorn of what we've been through?

The change...

I'm sorry to say I must let you go,
this isn't a game, this isn't a show.

I'm powerfully consistent, persistent,
insistent of my convictions.

You're probably one of the worst
roommates I’ve ever had to live with.

Be gone I say, don't you come back,
you cannot ask me to cut you some slack.

Your control over me has lost its appeal,
you lie, you cheat, there's nothing left for you to steal.

No more mister nice guy,
you'll get nothing out of me.

Try to save face, try it and see,
I've beat you before, I'm finally free.

I sense you've weakened since you started this game,
you should be afraid, you're attempts are lame.

Give up already, you've lost the battle,
everything you say now sounds like psychobabble.

Whenever you're around I feel like laughing,
here's a toast to you, I'll have whatever you're having.

Actually, let's toast to my freedom, just beware,
come around me again, and fists will flare.

So goodbye pain, feel free to keep clear,
If you don't tables will turn, it's me you'll fear.

Martin R. Lemieux

When the Student(You) is Ready, the Teacher(Knowledge) will appear!

This famous saying from the Buddhist Proverb is sometimes so misunderstood. I felt it was necessary to write this post to help you to better understand what that this extremely profound quote really means.

Our path in life isn't written in stone, but it is however our journey to get to the same place we were destined to be. I'll say that another way, we have choices in life to go; forward, back, right, left, ultimately leading to the same place, but we are given choices in life to take the easy road, or the hard one. The choices are yours to make depending on what you need to learn in this lifetime.

ONE LESSON Can Change Everything:

Life is nothing more than to experience it, to live it, to learn from it. We take these life lessons with us on our path. Each lesson leads us to another one, but sometimes in our lives we come to a road block, that is the pivotal moment when we need to listen for our teacher to appear. Now when I say teacher, this will come in many different forms, not necessarily a person who teaches per se, but something you need at that very moment to increase your vibration level in life. Something that will profoundly change the way you view things, the change will come from within and at that moment, the world around you will also change as well.

I'll tell you a story about me that was very profound. All my life I've been successful on my own. Didn't finish high school because I knew I could and would do things on my own. Had a successful advertising agency for over 10 years, but something within me was gnawing on my psyche. Something didn't seem right, my success wasn't making me happy, and it was taking me further from being true to myself.

Now I've battled blood disorders since I was 18, none of which ever mattered to me at all, I kept pushing forward, but about four years ago, my conditions threw me a massive curve ball and forced me to stop working all together. This forced me to shut down my business and focus on my health.

This lesson was a major slap in the face. I realized that my true self wasn't to help others get rich, but to help enrich their lives instead.

But I didn't get to that point only because of my health, I was ready to finally listen to my heart and ask the right questions which led me to my faith, support groups, which also helped me to start writing again.

See, there are moments in life that hits you hard, this is the moment you have to listen deeply within, the universe and your guides are trying to tell you something. That you, on the path you have chosen needs to veer to the left or right, a sharp turn for a greater purpose. If you don't listen to those moments and keep on going, you're only going to go deeper into your cave which will take even more effort to climb back out of.

ONE BOOK Can Change Everything:

This one I love to talk about all the time. Have you even been given a book by a friend who said YOU HAVE TO READ THIS NOW, but you just put it on the shelf for later? Or have you gone to the book store, bought 3-4 books and knew exactly which book to read first?

For those of you who put that book on the shelf, you(student) weren't ready to read that knowledge(teacher), until one day you decide to read it. All of a sudden, you're knee deep into this book, you can't put it down, your heart races to read the next page and then you finally finish it.

Something has happened to you, when someone gave you that book, they knew you would plow through it because they saw something in you that, if you just read that book, you would understand. But at the time they gave that specific reading material to you, you're knowledge and spiritual vibration level up to that point wasn't ready for its teachings.

When that knowledge was given to you, there was some profound event in your life that had to happen before you could accept he wisdom inside. It may have been that you needed a bad, emotional, life altering event before you started listening to the wind and being true to yourself. When that moment happened, you(the student) was ready to accept the wisdom(the teacher) and you finally pick up that book for no good reason except is just felt like you needed to (when the student is ready, the teacher will appear).

Now for those of you who know exactly what I'm talking about, how did that knowledge feel? It felt like the writer was speaking directly to you? About you, right? That's how you know your energy level and readiness was perfect. The stars came into alignment for you to finally listen to your soul, to finally give in and truly let the wisdom reach your heart.

ONE PERSON Can and Will Change Everything:

Here's where it gets tricky. When something very profound happens in your life and you don't know how to get out of your sticky situation, this is the moment you need to start listening to people, truly listening to people.

Many of you have those friends or family members that are always giving you advice on life, but you just brush it off every time because you've heard them say it a million times before. Except now, something has changed inside, you're different somehow and all of a sudden, everything those people tried to tell you previously are starting to make perfect sense. Like you took the ear plugs out and heard everything clearly.

When you finally let go of whatever was hanging you up, people in your life will come to you and everything they say will matter a great deal. There's a lesson to be learned, you just have to listen intensively and take in everything they say, no matter how strange it may seem.

By you starting to listen, you'll start noticing other people as well who will come into your life all of a sudden, because what they are saying is also completely making sense to you, you feel gravitated to them. It's at that moment when a real human teacher will appear. Don't be afraid to open up to this person. 9 /10 times, this new friend has gone through the exact same thing that you're going through, that's why the universe put you both on the same path to meet each other.

Letting these people into your life will be life-altering. It may even disrupt your relationships with your family or friends. Don't worry this is normal, you're now changing and your friends might feel like they are losing you. In a sense they are, but it's at that profound moment that they need to change with you, or lose you to change.

Take the Wisdom and Fly:

It's very important that you take all the information you can get, the "things" that you've just learned are very serious and should be explored to every degree. This message that was waiting for you isn't going to change you, this change will come from you wanting to change, accepting this change and flying with the wisdom inside of you.

The more you accept your new self, the more you world will start to make sense, the more things will start coming to you from all directions. People in your life will see this changes and notice you seem different somehow, you're probably smiling more, your connections and bonds are getting stronger somehow. These are all symptoms of increasing your intake of wisdom the universe has provided for you.

Accept your new self, go with it, run with it, don't look back, turn back, step back, revert back, there is no going back!!!

You're the student, soon you will become the teacher for someone else. Be that person people see inside of you, believe in it, show others what you've been shown for now you will find people who are going through the same thing you did just a little bit ago.

Namaste Everyone!

Martin R. Lemieux

Cutting the Spiritual Energy Cord - Relationship Releases:

In all relationships, there's the physical, the mental aspects and the spiritual side of things. No matter what kind of relationship in your life, all three (physical, mental, and spiritual) are always present. A person, who's left your life, has started this three stage process.

These stages are crucial for you to; move on, let go, not get hurt, prevent you from being hurt further, or just a way to break free of the strangle hold they have on you.

It is scientifically proven that energy bonds are made in all relationships. This relieves all the nay-sayers who don't think this stuff exists. Please do your research, before you brush this topic off as false.

When you're emotionally connected and investing in someone, all of your energies combine. Depending on the level of the relationship, this bond can be extremely strong and stay with you for your entire life.

The key to breaking the bond between you both is to follow these steps:

1) Physical:

The physical break is the easiest to do. By simply not seeing each other breaks this tie together and prevents new types of energy sharing between the two of you (above and beyond already transferred and shared).

Other connections also affect this stage, for example, if you just broke up with your ex, the friendships you made together can go both ways. Some may be on your side, others might not. Determining which ones to trust is very tricky and very important not to cause drama. The best thing for you is to only speak to your most trusted friend. The less people involved in your recovery, the less drama it will cause.

 2) Mental:

The mental game is a hard one to let go, I wrote an article that will help you with this stage titled: "Emotional Release, Things to Expect." Please read this article once you've finished cutting the cord. Even after you cut the cord, it still takes effort to break or "release" the mental, emotional bond that the heart needs to take time to mend.

3) Spiritual:

Surprisingly this stage can be the easiest and most effective to help with the release process. Each time you make a connection with someone, there’s an exchange of the spirit, the energy bond. This bond is a two-way stream of; giving and receiving energy.

3.1) Abusive Relationships - Spiritual Attack of the Soul:

In most abusive relationships, this energy bond is destructive to the person on the receiving end because the energy flow is mainly a one way street. The "abuser" is not only draining you of energy, but sending you negative energy to break down your spirit. This process empowers the abuser and weakens the abused.

An abusive relationship MUST be cut from the spiritual side, a person who has done you harm; physically, mentally, and spiritually can continue to attack you long after they are gone. I've seen this 1st hand what affects this has on a person’s psyche.

I’m sure for some of you, the statement from above just hit home. Many of you have probably wondered why your abuser has been in your thoughts, feelings, and nightmares. They still have a bond with you, even after they are gone. That is why it’s so imperative that you cut this nasty cord for good.

3.2) Family, Friends, & Normal Relationships - Negative Energy Takers:

In every person's journey, at one point or another we all come across a family member or friend we must let go of, for all sorts of reasons. Naming those reasons isn't really relevant, but the process is just as hard as letting go of an abusive relationship.

Although it might be a lot harder to cut the spiritual cord consciously, it's necessary to help mend your mind and soul, which also helps to build a new bond, a fresh start later on when you're ready.

Cutting the spiritual cord doesn't mean it cannot be re-attached, in fact, sometimes cutting the cord allows two people to start fresh, start over and helps one or the other to finally see things clearly.

Now that we’ve cleared up the “what” this cord does and means, let’s get onto the “how” to.


A) Must be done out of love, no exceptions. Cutting the cord out of hate might help to only strengthen it, giving you a false representation of what's actually being done. Remember you're doing this out of love for; yourself and the other to move on safely.

B) When cutting the cord, make sure you're in your most calming, relaxed space, the one place you can go to unwind and be alone for a few minutes. A certain room, outside near a tree, a park, your car, or even your bathroom if you have to.

C) It takes a certain amount of visualization for this process. I like to meditate for a few minutes to calm the mind and help prepare my spiritual shield and energy. If you have problems visualizing in your mind, get a photo of the person to help enhance your connection.

D) Now visualize an energy cord that connects from you to the other person. In most cases, it's tied to your belly like an umbilical cord, but NOT always, so make sure you see where the cord is attached to. Some people might have it connected to; the mind, the heart, the belly, or other. If you cannot see where it's attached, imagine then - that's it's attached to your belly.

E) While visualizing, you must remember to do this out of love. See the person about 5-9 feet in front of you, the cord is attached to the same place for both of you, now visualize a sharp object and slice through the energy cord. Do this three separate times; see the cord again and again cutting the cord.

F) For the last time you see the cord, imagine your heart sending a pink energy to the other person's cut end and send the pink love energy to the tip of their cord to close and mend it.

G) Once complete, look at the person and see them leaving the room (KEY). Our souls can hang on without the cord, especially in long-term relationships that have gone through a great deal.

H) Make sure the person leaves the room, you might have to mentally force them to leave, even ask them to please leave.

I) Once the person has left, imagine the sun sending you a colourful energy beam to your heart which will mend your heart, don't stop there if possible, imagine the sun beam to engulf your entire body, physically turn your head towards the sun to take it on directly.

J) Smile before opening your eyes as to say goodbye to that person and slowly open your eyes.

It's not uncommon to have a sudden rush of emotions after this process, please let the emotions run through you, do not block them. Those emotions are all the emotions the two of you had connected with each other. If you feel like crying, do not stop. If you feel rage, yell at the wall as loud as you can to let it all out.

Make sure to re-hydrate your energy afterwards, drink an entire freezing cold glass of water. Water is the best conduit for your body's energy flow (proven fact). This process can be draining and it's important to drink lots of water, listen to your body. If you're hungry, eat something healthy and satisfying.

You've now learned the process to cut the spiritual cord with a person to truly let them go out of your life, OR to re-build a new cord to help a fresh new journey together.

I wish you all the best!


Martin R. Lemieux

Soul Relationships: Good, Bad, and Ugly Doesn't Equal to Lifelong Happiness.

50+ Reasons Why Relationships Fail & 50 Things to Make it Healthy!

50 Things to Make it Healthy!

Why Relationships Tend to Fail:

1)  Communication
2)  Jealousy
3)  Attachment
4)  Domination over the other
5)  Selfishness
6)  No time (for each other)
7)  Having unhealthy privacy boundaries
8)  Pointing out faults
9)  Commenting about your relationship online
10) Intrusive friends
11) One-sided expectations
12) Objective family members
13) Not enough similar interests
14) Lack of respect
15) Loving others more
16) Avoiding the truth
17) Sexual thoughts for someone else
18) Distance (extensive and on purpose)
19) Fighting over parenting skills
21) Ex's in the Way
22) Not paying enough attention
23) Hanging with friends, rather than yourselves
24) Lack of true friendship
25) Being into yourself
26) Being interesting
27) Denial
28) Trying to change the other
29) Going to bed angry
30) Incompatibility
31) Goals growing further apart
32) Faded chemistry
33) Sexual tension
34) Planning a sex day just because
35) Going on different paths
36) Moving in, finding out their mannerisms
37) Toilet seat up, or down?
38) Following one person's dream, not both
39) Blaming your partner
40) Forcing change
41) Not accepting them for WHO they are
42) Rushing things too quickly
43) Flirting with others in person
44) Hiding that you masturbate
45) Staying for the wrong reasons
46) Not actually happy, in denial
47) Not being honest with yourself
48) Growing apart one day at a time
49) Lying about being in love

51 Extra) Abuse
52 Extra) Mental or physical abuse
53 Extra) Making the partner feel low through painful words
54 Extra) Feeding off the partners emotional strains
55 Extra) Denying one is happy when they aren't!

There are so many things why people falsely hang onto one another. If you can related to more than 10, or even 20 of the above mentioned relationship breakers, you might be in denial about being truthful to yourself, and are probably not happy. Your insecurities are getting the best of yourself. I know people who can relate to 20-30 or more of the above mentioned detrimental hick-ups, and believe me, they AREN'T really happy, they are holding onto the fact that they are afraid to change, afraid to step out on their own, be their own person once again.

Cheer up, there's hope for you after all. Below I will mention things that will change everything around in your life, but it won't come without; sacrifice, determination, belief and a great deal of effort from the both of you.

How to Have Healthy Relationships:

1)   You deserve to be happy
2)   You deserve to be happy
3)   You deserve to be loved
4)   You deserve to be respected
5)   Your loved one should honor your beliefs
6)   Your loved one should respect your wishes
7)   NEVER go to bed angry
8)   NEVER let the other own you
9)   NEVER let the other degrade you in front of others
10) Please don't fight near children
11) Couples counseling isn't for aliens
12) You CANNOT make people change, they have to want to
13) Both of you write a list of things that make you unhappy (be honest, but not attacking)
14) Never talk about things you don't like about each other, only things that aren't helping
15) Talk about things that make you happy in life
17) Don't point out things that you know which will set the other off on purpose
18) NEVER abuse the others emotions
19) NEVER let the other abuse your emotions
20) Know when to call it quits, happiness shouldn't be won over
21) Become their friend first, not just their lover, friends should always love each other
22) Best friends never fall apart, fake relationships do
23) Have a healthy friendhip circle to vent and speak to when needed
24) Don't let your friends pick your significant other apart
25) Remind friends they don't have a right to butt in, only when asked
26) Moving in together is NOT always the answer (careful what you wish for)
27) Marriage won't make things better, loving each other will
28) Don't hide your intentions and plans for change, it doesn't work
29) Find ways to show how much they mean to you
30) Go away together camping, alone in nature together (can be a day trip, picnic)
31) Busy lifestyle? Find time to slow it down once a week
32) Make healthy first dates all the time
33) Take a road trip, pin the donkey on a map
34) Don't fake it, be real with each other
35) If you have sexual fantasies of someone else, don't string your partner along
36) Sex isn't all that? Get creative, role play, do something that makes your heart race
37) Write little letters in each other's lunch bags of love and having a great day
38) Protect each other, not make fun of each other's faults in public venues
39) Friends don't need convincing. If so, then you do as well (not good)
40) Family is family; your relationship is yours, not theirs
41) Kids are wonderful, but not if you're unhappy together, show them love, not denial
42) Go do something you both fear, that experience will bond you both together
43) Have healthy friendships outside of your partnership, respect them as well
44) Encourage each other's dreams; each of you should have them
45) Don't plan intimacy, surprise each other with moments of affection
46) Don't hide behind the truth, be truthful to each other, no matter the outcome
47) When in doubt, start over; introduce each other for the 2nd time
48) Over time people change, embrace new changes, support their changes
49) Arguments are healthy, release the anger, have make-up sex, go to bed happy
50) Love each other for each other's faults, embrace them, they're yours to love :)

I could probably write about 50 things to help with your relationship with your partner. Bottom line is, we all know if we are happy or not, don't deny it for the sake of not being alone. A person faking the funk is worse off than couples who have certain problems but are working towards overcoming those small bends in life.

Don't be afraid to tell the truth, a lie never dies and never wins the person's heart. The more you deny these 100+ things good or bad, the more people will notice, and in time it might be too late to reverse the emotional effect on the relationship. Nip the negatives in the butt early on, build on that, use that hurdle to become stronger, more loving to each other.

I'm not going to fluff it up for you, relationships are among the hardest things in life to make work, but when they do, they also become the best thing in life at the same time.

Don't be afraid to ask for outside help, but always do it as a couple. One-sided spiritual relationship guidance is only helping 50% of the underlining problems; the other 50% is in the dark and isn't changing with you on their own free will.

I hope this helps both of you to find happiness which as you know by now, comes in all; shapes, sizes, races, colours, faiths, and especially in friendships first.

If you have comments, suggestions or questions, please do so below.

Martin R. Lemieux

You either choose to help others, or you don't choose to help others... THERE IS NO IN-BETWEEN!

I want to tell you a PROFOUND STORY that I've barely told anyone. Many years back in Hamilton, ON - the place I reside in. Each year they hold a gathering festival at the pier. Every year there's; booths, food, trinkets and live music.

This one year after hearing a great Canadian band called "The Tea Party", I was walking with some friends down the grass hill when I saw a large group of strangers hovering over something happening.

My curiosity got the best of me, so I too like many others hurried to see what all the commotion was all about, come to find out that people were watching 6 guys absolutely pound on some young teenager on the ground that you couldn't even recognize anymore.

The Lion in my instantaneously yelled "hey, what in the world are you doing!" and ran up to those individuals harming the teenager and one by one started throwing them off him.

I didn't care to be a hero, I wasn't scared for my life since they could have turned onto me next, but it was the right thing to do.

Once they all cleared in a hurry, I knelt down and seeing this poor kids face, hardly could recognize what he looked at, I placed my hands on his face to stop the bleeding and kept saying to him, "It's going to be alright, you're going to be just fine. Listen to my voice; you're going to be just fine."

The paramedics showed up and said "weren't you afraid of getting hurt?”, “I said no!”, then they said "What about diseases like AIDS touching his blood", I replied, "If saving a man’s life has consequences, then so be it, I'm ready to deal with those consequences".

The hardest part for me was that when I got up, I saw a man with his 7-9 year old child watching the whole thing happen.

I immediately went to the man and said, "Is this what you’re trying to teach your son? To just stand there and watch?"... The man replied "what is it to you?"... "I held up my bloody hands and started veering towards his son, not to hurt him, but so that he understood that this was wrong, someone just got hurt"... The man quickly felt fear in his eyes and understood my message and turned the other way to leave without saying a word.

In life, when presented with moments like these, you have two choices, you can either watch someone get hurt, or you can be the better person and help others so they don't get hurt.

It's your choice!

The Buddhist Chain - Find more stories and images on my Facebook page.

Martin R. Lemieux

Emotional Release, Things to Expect:

We all are on a path, what that path is depends on you, you're release of the past, your emotional blocks. That past is the key to your future, a brighter future. We're all searching for the meaning of life; the truth of it all, is that what we all inspire to learn more, each life teaches us something closer to understanding. Some of us look for answers through; math equations, self help, fantasy, movies, music, videos, spirituality, art, reading, writing, or any other medium dear to us.

There are so many people out there that are quick to judge others, how they deal with people, what they do to people. But the reality is, the sooner you stop doing this destructive train of thought, the quicker you start dealing with your own mind, the daemons that prevent you from creating a better life, better relationships, and healthier vibrations.

Our path is set out for us, being true to that path depends on when you're spiritually ready for the emotional release that keeps you from seeing that path. Each block that you keep, prevents you from finding your own truth.

You might not see it now; you might even be searching in the wrong places. This is a sign of an emotional block that keeps you from seeing it.

Finding Your Emotional Blocks:

This is probably one of the hardest things you will ever have to do in your life. Finding your emotional blocks means you will have to look deep within your soul and confront the things you avoid the most. In fact, most of you probably know exactly what they are.

Yes, I am asking you to confront your deepest;

- Fears
- Anxieties
- Jealousy's
- Hatred (towards others and yourself)
- Insecurities
- Lack of faith
- Trust issues
- Nightmares
- Relationships
- Anger

Conscious Emotional Blocks:

What we think of consciously is easier to measure and to correct. Feelings you have on a regular basis that don't feel good, are tell signs of the blocks in your life. They are indicators that tell you what to look for. For example, if you always feel terrible around one or both of your parents, it's time to look at why you feel terrible around them. Take the first step to recognize what is blocking your relationship with them.

Write down every time you have a negative or bad emotion. Write down what brought on that emotion to better understand it.

Sub-Conscious Blocks:

Our deeper, sub-conscious mind is a lot harder to crack, but not impossible. All of our thoughts, emotions and experiences are stored in our sub-conscious mind. Things in your life that has happened to you, or is happening to you are all there, somewhere. Some life events, especially very negative life-changing moments are sometimes stored through pain, which the mind traps in a way that is harder to either; remember or to release later on.

These "traps" are the key to your emotional release. We find these traps through; meditation, dreaming, day-dreaming, digging deep into our past, and speaking to people who knew us throughout our life. Below are some other techniques which can help bring these deep rooted emotions to the surface.

Third Party Blocks:

Emotional trauma from people we know and love are the toughest to deal with. There's no easy way to put this, but people who harm you as a child or adult impose their will that can damage your psyche in ways not fathomable.

Emotional Blocks Carry These Types of Symptoms:

- Anger
- Anxiety Attacks
- Body Aches
- Confused all the time
- Denial, or disbelief
- Disconnected
- Fatigue
- Guilt
- Hard to Concentrate
- Hopeless
- Insomnia
- Irritability
- Mood swings
- Muscle Tension
- Nightmares
- Numb
- On Edge
- Sad
- Self-blame
- Shame
- Shock
- Withdrawal

How to Release These Emotional Blocks?

Each block you have in your life can be released the same way it came in. See we process emotions and store them. These stored memories can be accessed. It's just a matter of finding out what works best for you, everyone is different and releases these emotional blocks differently.

Here are some forms of release (no particular order):

- Laughter
- Talking to friends
- Speaking to family members (related to the pain)
- Seeing a certified counselor
- Finding online groups (FB or other)
- Writing your thoughts on paper or online (therapeutic release)
- Forgiveness (for yourself and others)
- Mind over matter (If you don't mind, it doesn't matter)
- See a spiritual healer (Open up your chakras)
- Reiki
- Yoga
- Running
- Music
- Singing
- Poetry
- Reading self help, inspirational
- Going out to play
- Spending time with family and friends
- Making better connections
- Letting go of people that hurt you
- Human connections
- Animals connections
- Nature (freedom)

All of the above methods are proven to help with your mood in many ways. Some people can release through one or two of the above helpers, others needs many combinations, or all at once. The key is there's no magic formula, but there is a proper path that's perfect for you.

When you find the right form of release that feels good and allows you to remember who you are, or what happened to you during your past, you have found the right stimuli needed to let go of those awful emotional blocks in your life.

I hope this helps you to find your way, to become the person you're destined to be. If you have any questions, please post comments below. I would be happy to answer them for you.


I go without fear.
I go without ego.

My past is no longer in power.
My past is no longer in control.

When we move, when we think,
we are moving towards ourselves.

Our knowledge is there,
our thoughts are all one.

Our being is aware,
our seeing is beyond.

I do not fear the future,
i cannot change anything undone.

I am willingly beyond seeing,
i an no longer afraid of the unknown.

I am speaking to you,
we have spoken before.

Our dreams can show us where,
we are here, we are one.

Do not worry about me,
do not worry about yourself.

When we meet in the now,
we are free, just be yourself.
